Tricia Wilkie
Feb 1, 2023
Creating time to talk and overcome workplace loneliness
As we approach Time to Talk day on Thursday, 2nd February, it has prompted me to reflect on how much, as a tribe, we make time to talk to...
Tricia Wilkie
Sep 1, 2022
Checking in with our Employee Wellbeing Strategy
This time of year has a real sense of a new beginnings. After a summer with (hopefully) a slightly slower pace of life, sunshine and some...
Tricia Wilkie
Jun 6, 2022
Happiness at work and creating high performing teams!
“Mental health problems cost the UK economy at least £117.9 billion annually” Source: Mental Health Foundation and the London School of...
Tricia Wilkie
May 1, 2022
Mental Health Awareness Week: The Impact of Workplace Loneliness
It is easy to forget we are one of 7 billion people on the planet, we forget we are all connected and share a common humanity. Source:...
Tricia Wilkie
Apr 1, 2022
Stress Awareness Month: The Pillars of Wellbeing
Focusing on connection and belonging this April. April is stress awareness month. Since 1992 The Stress Management Society have raised...
Tricia Wilkie
Jan 3, 2022
Workplace Wellbeing Strategies
In this blog we explore the concept of a 'wellbeing strategy'; what a well-rounded strategy might look like; the benefits to all and how...
Tricia Wilkie
Feb 1, 2021
Empathy vs. Sympathy
Think back to a time when you were feeling low or going through a challenging time. Who did you talk to, what did they say and how did...
Tricia Wilkie
Oct 1, 2020
Top Tips for Winter Wellbeing
Winter is our natural time for rest and restoration. A time to hunker down and adopt a much slower pace in preparation for spring, the...
Tricia Wilkie
Sep 1, 2020
Becoming a Mental Health First Aider
When I first discovered Mental Health First Aid England and the good work they were doing, I felt relief that the stigma around mental...
Tricia Wilkie
Feb 3, 2020
Taking the Time to Talk
Do you feel like you have enough time to talk?
Are we losing the art of talking as texting becomes a more popular way of communication?
Tricia Wilkie
Aug 1, 2019
5 Top Tips for a Mindful Summer
Read on for our top tips to get the most of your summer.