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Winter Wellbeing in the workplace – 6 tips to keep healthy this winter

As the nights start to draw in and the weather turns cold, we can often notice a shift in our mood over the autumn/ winter months.

This time of year we can often see a rise in absenteeism. As we have talked about previously, many of our teams prefer not to state mental ill health as the reason for absence, combined with people generally having more colds or bad weather conditions, all of which can contribute to a rise in absenteeism in the workplace at this time of year. A Personal Today sickness survey (2015) of 670 organisations estimated that the cost of absenteeism cost the UK economy a tremendous £116 billion per year. Given recent experiences over the last few years, I am sure that this figure has increased. So how can we help our teams to stay fit and healthy over the winter months?

Below we share 7 tips to share to help keep your team fit, healthy and boost productivity:

1. Keep it bright. As the nights draw in, it can make us feel like we wish to hibernate. Our bodies naturally produce more melatonin in response to the darker nights, which is the hormone that helps us to sleep. One way to counterbalance this is to ensure you keep the blinds and curtains open, to let in as much natural light as

possible and take the opportunity to walk outside where possible.

2. Encourage flexible working. The last two years have really helped businesses move forward to allow their teams to work from home more effectively. If some of your teams are struggling with their energy levels during winter, perhaps encourage them to work at home a day or two a week to avoid the daily commute and build up their energy.

3. Get physical (take a walking meeting). We all know that moving is a key pillar in maintaining our mental wellbeing. If you can, encourage a cycle to work scheme or offer lunchtime/ after work exercise classes, to help your teams unwind, move their body and switch off mentally from the days stresses. Encouraging your teams to get out by having a meeting outside and walking at the same time, can also be a great way of achieving the same thing.

4. Eat well. Another key pillar to our wellbeing is ensuring we eat a healthy and balanced diet. We share some tips on nutrition here . Remembering to continue to keep hydrated, eat healthily with lots of fresh vegetables, during the winter can help us to keep our energies up. Responding to what the body needs with hearty comfort

meals such as stews and soups will help too.

5. Be prepared. The winter months can often see the weather turning hazardous. Encourage your teams to organize a service to their car, ensuring all is running well. Keep an eye on the weather and encourage your teams to switch back to online meetings if needed.

6. Practice mindfulness. As you know we are a big fan of mindfulness at The Mind Hub as it can be a great way to live every day with more awareness and ease of being. By offering your teams the chance to learn and develop the art can be a great help for managing mood during the darker months. Click here to enjoy a short 5-min mindfulness practice to help get you started, (scroll down to the bottom of the page.)

We are delighted to offer our “Winter Wellbeing” workshop, designed to help you to boost the wellbeing of your teams during the winter months. In our workshop we will explore:

  • Whether you are a 'Winter Hibernator'; or a ;'Winter Warrior'

  • How to boost your 'feel-good' hormones with a 'daily D.O.S.E of happiness.'

  • Taking a reflective pause to create your own 'Gallery of Gratitude'.

  • Share some top tips for winter wellbeing.

  • Plenty of opportunity for questions.

This workshop might be helpful to those who may struggle as the nights get darker. In the workshop we will help you to: learn how to boost those feel-good hormones; feel more energised and motivated; be able to spot the positives, not just the negatives; and embrace the winter with a sunny outlook. To discover more please get in touch to discuss your individual requirements.

Be mindful,







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