Faced with unique and challenging circumstances, mental health and wellbeing at work has never been more important for any organisation, large or small. Responding to the soaring prices, the pandemic, pressure at work and digital influences, recent research demonstrates that it has never been more difficult for individuals to maintain a positive sense of wellbeing in the workplace. Through workshops, drop in sessions, mindfulness and training we can help support your teams to achieve their goals and business growth ambitions.
Mental ill health is estimated to cost the UK economy at least £117.9 billion annually, according to a report published by the Mental Health Foundation and the London School of Economics (March 2022). With 70-75% of people never receiving help for mental ill health and 95% of people who do struggle with ill health would rather cite another reason when calling in sick to work – there has never been a more appropriate time to start the conversation.
Based in Maidenhead, Berkshire The Mind Hub are a team of associates who can help you create the right wellbeing strategy for your organisation.
We work with our clients in a number of ways to:

Evaluate what changes need to be made in the workplace.

Implement a plan to create a positive wellbeing approach your workplace.

Review the success and impact of our wellbeing strategy.​
At The Mind Hub we are a team of associates all passionate about bringing positive mental health and wellbeing to the workplace.
Mental Health First Aid

There is no health without mental health and we are passionate about helping people to take of their mental health in the same way they do their physical health. We offer the full suite of mental health first aid and mental health awareness training solutions in partnership with MHFA England.
Mental & Emotional Wellbeing

Taking care of our team’s mental and emotional wellbeing will help to create a happy & healthy work force. With businesses constantly navigating constant change and stress levels significantly rising post the pandemic, this is a key focus for businesses.
Discover how we can help you to create the right environment for your business.
Physical Wellbeing

Healthy body, healthy mind is our mantra! There are many things we can all do to maintain positive wellbeing, looking after our physical health is one of them. We can inspire your teams to eat well, move often and get a good sleep hygiene routine in place. Doing so will help them to build resilience, react positively to business challenges and achieve their goals.
Social Wellbeing

Following the pandemic, levels of loneliness have significantly increased, which can have a huge impact on mental and physical health. The lasting impact on teams following the pandemic and changes in ways of working, mean that building trust, bonding with colleagues and connection are an important priority. By creating a culture of belonging and inclusion within your business, it can make a huge difference to productivity.